Queen in Gold
So here’s a fun fact about my walk with God:
He speaks to me in themes.
This Scripture first made its appearance last year in October. But what is really spectacular is how relevant it is amidst all the uncertainty we are currently facing. So that’s why I’m sharing it with you.
But before we get to that; let me share some of the story. Be expectant So last year in October I went hiking. At that point I had some stuff to work through. One of which was a desire I had to move out of my mom’s house. As I was still studying full time and only had a part time job, this seemed impossible.
Knowing I’d be spending a few days in nature and that’s usually a great place to hear God’s voice; I had an expectation. I remember shoving my A4 journal into my backpack thinking:
“I know it takes up a lot of space, but I can’t go on a hike expecting to hear from God, and not even take anything to write down what He says.”
It’s truly beautiful how He’s always faithful to show up when we seek Him (Jeremiah 29:13; James 4:8).
Why are you here?
There had been a bush fire in the area we were walking through during that week. Some of it was actually still burning on the day we arrived. Due to this the first part of the route was burnt, up to where we passed over a river in the valley. Thereafter we started a climb into the undamaged.
As beautiful as it sounds and was; it was actually quite tough. I’ve never really hiked much before and I’m not used to carrying such a heavy load, but there’s something magnificent about embracing the not so easy (James 1:2-4). The gift Giver The morning before we started we received a second note. This time asking “How does the nature around you relate to your season?”
A simple flower answered my question. Along with it I remembered Matthew 6:28-30; that God is the One who clothes the “lilies of the field.” It was like my Father put His hand on my shoulder, reminding me that He’s the Provider.
That night we stayed over in beautiful wooden cabins. Nothing about it felt primitive; although primitive is pretty much what you expect when going on a hike. Compared to where we spent the previous night this was really a gift; and one I secretly prayed for on our way there. Oh, what a good Father we have?
When He speaks So I sat on my bed and opened my recently bought journal and the mini Bible I carried along. I looked up Matthew 6:28-30 and paused at verse 30. “If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you – you of little faith?” This was the exact metaphor I witnessed that day. I saw the very fire that burnt away the grass and flowers, and on the other side of the river I stood astonished at the beauty. The next relevant thing was the new journal. As I mentioned the seasons I go through always have a theme and often these themes are expressed in a journal. The cover of this new journal (which I’m currently still using) is a map of the world, a golden outline of the galaxy and the words “Going places” written on it. It was so clear; I was “going places.” God had answered the longing of my heart. He gave me a go ahead to pursue the desire of moving out; giving me the reassurance that He is my Provider. “How will you get there?”
Throughout that day I ended up in conversations about job opportunities, how to find a job and how to prepare for an interview. This was all just little confirmations that I was heading in the right direction. It opened my eyes to see beyond the little box I placed my life in before.
And then... As I mentioned, one of the big reasons I initially didn’t think it would be possible to move out, was because I was still studying towards a Masters Degree full time. Just a few weeks after the hiking trip I was informed that I won’t be able to continue with the degree. Well, at least not for the next year or two. Perhaps I’m making this sound like a relief now - it wasn’t. It was a massive shock, but oddly something God already prepared me for. I already knew the next step. I already updated my CV. Three months later I was living in my own little space and working full time. I’m sharing this because it was an answered prayer; a testimony of the goodness of God. He’s intimately involved in our lives and He wants what’s best for us. He also provides in ways that are better than we could’ve imagined. So what about you? During the uncertain times we’re facing it’s important to remember our Saviour’s words in Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” He asks us to seek Him and His Kingdom above all else. Yet, so often, we find ourselves of “little faith” (Matthew 6:30) unable to trust that He is the sovereign God who carries our best interests at heart. This is not a promise that things will be easy, friends, but it is a promise that God will be with us even when we’re facing the difficult. Psalm 23:3-4 makes it clear that as He leads us on the “right path”, it often leads right through the “valley of the shadow of death”. Yet God is with us. He’s the One who refreshes our soul and with Him on our side we lack nothing (Psalm 23:1-3). Share this with your friends! Also read If it's not for the Kingdom - then what's it for (Part 2); where I take a look at the extremely challenging question in the title. Never miss a post! (Let me mail it to you) You might also like:
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About the blogQueen in Gold is a blog for the feminine heart. I hope to inspire other women to stand up in their God-given identity.
AuthorMy name is Riani.
I love flowers, board games, arty markets, food, music and spring....