Queen in Gold
Trusting God’s timing and purpose with your life can be pretty tough. I remember being in high school and worrying that God’s plan for my life was to be single forever. I’m mentioning this because I happen to know many Christian women who’ve also worried about this at some point in their life.
A friend of mine made a valid statement saying that whenever we fear or worry about the future we always seem to forget God’s grace will be there for us in that situation. God always seems to prepare us for the seasons we need to go through (1 Corinthians 10:13). Seven or eight years ago I convinced myself He wouldn’t let me arrive at this age of almost 25 without being married. But seven or eight years ago I didn’t know the fulfillment I’d find in Him today.
This doesn’t mean I don’t want to be married anymore. I still do very much and I often remind God of my desire for a companion. But I’ve learnt so much about my Father’s heart in this season of waiting. I believe singleness teaches us to wait – for more than just a husband. Finally!! A while ago I made a little discovery from Genesis 2:23. This verse contains man’s first words ever to be recorded. It describes Adam’s response when he first saw Eve. And do you know what he said? “At last!” I’m not kidding – “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh...” (ESV) “Finally! Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh!” (MSG) The Hebrew word pa‛am pa‛ămâh (At last) is mostly used when referring to time. Although Adam’s words are often also translated to “This is now”, it is noteworthy that he makes mention of time at all. I happen to think this is probably what every groom thinks the moment his bride comes down the aisle. This is it; the moment he’s been waiting for!
In Adam’s case we know it was all in God’s perfect timing. He was the One who said it was not good for Adam to be alone (Genesis 2:18). He created and revealed to Adam his desire for a companion (2:20). He let Adam fall asleep (2:21). He created Eve; and then (listen up ladies) He took her to him (2:22).
All Adam had to do was respond. And He responded firstly exclaiming the wonder of God’s divine timing.
So what does this have to do with you and your singleness?
Just like Adam and Eve had to wait for that divine meeting – just like some us are waiting to meet our earthly husband – we’re all waiting for the return of our heavenly Groom.
It’s okay to have a longing for a companion for this life, but let us not forget there is a life beyond this one. Let us not forget our true longing for the return of our King. Waiting on His return While teaching His disciples what to expect during the end times, Jesus tells the parable of the ten virgins waiting on the bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13). Culturally, weddings included a procession after dark where everyone would carry a lamp. In the parable, five of the girls weren’t prepared and didn’t have enough oil for their lamps. They ended up missing the entire wedding. We have all been invited to partake in a heavenly wedding. And we’re not just invited as guests to this wedding - we are invited to be the bride.
Still single? Take a moment and imagine what it would look like if waiting on your earthly husband could reflect waiting on your heavenly One. I’m deeply passionate about marriage being a reflection of our relationship with Christ (Ephesians 5:22-32), but why can’t this reflection already start in singleness? Singleness is a beautiful opportunity to trust God and walk along side Him (I’ve definitely written that line before). Truly, we are not just waiting to walk down an earthly aisle; we are waiting for our Saviour to return. “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His Word I put my hope.” – Psalm 130:5 Share this with your friends: You might also like: Never miss an article! (Let me mail it to you)
5/31/2019 01:59:49 pm
This is so good! Singleness is not a curse, nor is it a phase to rush out of. When I was single, I had the wrong mindset about singleness and I regret that. I am thankful that God has placed a desire in you to seek and reflect Him, regardless of what His timing looks like for your love life!
6/3/2019 09:30:38 am
I'm so thankful Kristin! Thank you for your comment!
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About the blogQueen in Gold is a blog for the feminine heart. I hope to inspire other women to stand up in their God-given identity.
AuthorMy name is Riani.
I love flowers, board games, arty markets, food, music and spring....