Queen in Gold
![]() Four years ago God sent me to live in England for a year. I still remember standing in the airport after passing through customs. 19 Year old and teary eyed, I said goodbye to my family for a whole year (Ended up visiting them somewhere in the middle though). There I was, heading to a country where I didn’t know anyone and they didn’t speak my home language. Everything before me was completely unknown, but somewhere in the midst of the unknown I felt inferior. This was what it felt like to step onto the water – so unsure if I would be able to walk, but oh so willing to try. "This was what it felt like to step onto the water – so unsure if I would be able to walk, but oh so willing to try."
I felt like a serious missionary – being obedient – going into the world. I remember listening to “You make me brave” from Bethel on my iPod. I had this unexplainable bravery. I’ve learnt since that this is something God gives us. He makes us brave in order to do really crazy, but very necessary things for His Kingdom.
The 17 year old warrior princess
What it means to be brave? So now it probably sounds like being brave means going to England. Actually my friend just reminded me of my own moment of bravery. Being brave is being willing to do whatever God asks of you, no matter the cost. "Being brave is being willing to do whatever God asks of you, no matter the cost." The story of Gideon I recently read the story of Gideon in Judges 6 and 7. Gideon was an insignificant man from a poor family. God chose him to lead Israel to victory over the Midianites, who were oppressing them. When He appeared to Gideon, he called him a “mighty warrior” (Judges 6:12). We don’t know whether Gideon ever actually accepted this title, but because he realized who God was, he decided to be obedient anyway.
Needless to say Israel achieved victory. That day God turned a poor and insignificant man into a mighty warrior. Not because of who he was, but because of his obedience.
Brave women of the Bible God didn’t just ask men to be brave. The Bible is filled with stories of women who were called to step out and become warriors too.
1. Mary
Imagine being impregnated by the Holy Spirit at about the age of 14. Mary didn’t just risk Joseph breaking their engagement, but actually risked her life. According to the Jewish law a woman could be stoned for losing her virginity before marriage (Deuteronomy 22:20-21). I can’t exactly see how anyone would’ve believed Mary’s claim of still being a virgin. Yet, she showed a willingness to serve God, even if it cost her, her future (Luke 1:38).
3. Deborah
In Judges 4 and 5 we read about a woman who was an "influencer" in a man’s world. Deborah was a prophet and a leader of Israel. When God sent Barak to fight against king Jabin, Barak insisted that Deborah had to join him (Judges 4:8). Her bravery and faith in God’s Word served as encouragement to him, but because of this, the honour of the victory went to a woman instead. "Her bravery and faith in God’s Word served as encouragement to him..." 4. Lydia We don’t read much about Lydia (Acts 16:14-15, 40). What we do know is that she stayed in Philippi, accepted Jesus while Paul was preaching and insisted on opening her home for Paul and other believers. What makes her brave? Lydia cared for those who were being persecuted around her, probably facing persecution herself.
5. Rahab
You’ve probably heard about this unusual story of the prostitute who hid the Israelite spies in her house in the wall of Jericho (Joshua 2). Her bravery did not only save her life, but also the lives of her family with her. Where it leaves you What are the dreams God placed in your heart? Are you willing to chase them? Being brave is something the Spirit can enable in each one of us. He does this when we walk in complete obedience.
The not-so-easy part
My year in England was probably the year God used most in forming my character. It was one of the toughest years I’ve ever had to go through. I chose to push through, however, because I knew it was what God called me to do. It’s never the easy way, my friend; it’s being obedient to God’s way. That’s where you will bear fruit and impact the Kingdom. So be strong. Be brave. Be the warrior God intended you to be. Also be reminded that your bravery does not come from yourself, but from Christ’s Spirit in you. “For we do not have a Spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind” – 1 Timothy 1:7 “You make me brave You make me brave You call me out beyond the shore into the waves You make me brave You make me brave No fear can hinder now the promises you made” Share it with your friends: You might also like: Never miss an article! (Let me mail it to you)
mariaan sieberhagen
7/27/2018 05:15:06 pm
Die artikel is sooooo inspirerend, dankie !
7/27/2018 06:01:07 pm
I have a big task ahead that needs a lot of bravery! This article came just at the right time! Very inspiring.
7/29/2018 05:32:03 am
Well written my brave friend! I really appreciate how it is all focused on the True Word of God! Well done for being faithful and obadiant! God bless my sister ❤
8/2/2018 03:22:04 pm
"He makes us brave in order to do really crazy, but very necessary things for His Kingdom." LOVE! So true! I love the story of Ruth as well. What an amazing brave (and young) woman she proved to be. And I love that song ;) Courage is something we all struggle to hold, and you have done so well in giving us biblical reminders why fear is not of God. I wrote in the same vein in my minibook "Uncage My Brave: Pray Brave, Fly Free." God, and our reliance on Him, is the powerful defeat to fear. God bless!
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About the blogQueen in Gold is a blog for the feminine heart. I hope to inspire other women to stand up in their God-given identity.
AuthorMy name is Riani.
I love flowers, board games, arty markets, food, music and spring....