Queen in Gold
These last few weeks have been all about love. You know when God's trying to tell you something and you run into it everywhere you go? Well that is pretty much what these last weeks were like for me.
This weekend I attended the first Women of Worth Conference in Bloemfontein. When one of the speakers, Dr Ntabeleng Rammile, referred to the commandment to love in Matthew 22:36-40, it didn’t even surprise me. This verse showed up in so many conversations I had over the last week.
When one of the Pharisees asked Jesus what the most important commandment was, He instructed us to love. According to Jesus love is most important thing in life. Love God. Love yourself and love others.
1. Love God “Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” – Matthew 22:37
Notice how it says to love God “with all your heart” and “all your soul” and “all your mind” (Matt 22:37). This suggest committing every part of yourself to loving Him. We should make a deliberate decision to love God. Sometimes this will ask something of us. We’ll have to sacrifice areas of our lives that aren’t God-honoring (Rom 12:1).
Another speaker at the conference, Mienke van Rooyen (You’ll remember from my article “Balancing beauty pageants and Jesus Christ”); spoke about the woman who touched Jesus’ cloak in order to receive healing (Matthew 9:20-22).
Her desire was only to touch the end of His cloak. She knew that even just a little bit of Him would heal her. Imagine if we desired more than that. Imagine if our desire was for all of Him. Imagine if we devoted all of ourselves to Him. What would our lives look like? What type of miracles would we see?
It all starts with love. A sacrificial love – similar to His love for us.
2. Love yourself “And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 22:39
You cannot love your neighbor if you don’t love yourself. Yet, this is something many of us seem to struggle with. If the Creator of the universe loves you; why can’t you love yourself? Speaker, Lulu van der Berg, spoke about how we believe that we’re unloved or not beautiful or good enough. We believe these things knowing that the King of kings has laid down His life for us. He did it all for you – because He loves you.
When you’re inadequate, He’s adequate. When you’re not good enough, He is. When you seem to be a failure, He has the victory. When you’re broken, He heals. When you’re lost, He finds you.
You’re worth has everything to do with Him. Without Him, you are worthless.
Because of Him you are worthy.
He chose you even when you were still a sinner (Rom 5:8). He chose you because He created you for a greater purpose (1 Peter 2:9). He chose you in spite of your brokenness.
If this is an area you’re struggling with; read these Bible verses out loud. Read them daily, write them in your journal or stick them to your mirror. This is God’s truth:
Isaiah 43:1-7 Psalm 139:1-18 3. Love others “And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 22:39
Because we know our own worth in Christ we also know the worth of others. Everything He’s done for you He’s also done for every other person. This enables you to speak that worth into other’s lives.
“When you know your worth – you affirm the worth of others” – Bianca Swart
God especially chose us to love others. By loving others we reveal something of the Father’s heart to them. Simply by loving, we are being representatives of God.
More about Women of Worth ![]() Find out more about Women of Worth by visiting their website, Facebook page or Instagram. Also go and read the article by their chairperson, Bianca Swart: "I started a ministry for women (and God used it to show me my own worth)" Share with friends: Never miss an article!! (Let me mail it to you) You might also like:
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About the blogQueen in Gold is a blog for the feminine heart. I hope to inspire other women to stand up in their God-given identity.
AuthorMy name is Riani.
I love flowers, board games, arty markets, food, music and spring....